
Join Our Movement for Educational Equity and Justice

At GAEEJ, we believe in the power of community, collaboration, and collective action to transform the educational landscape. Our mission is to restore prestige to the teaching profession and create safe, supportive environments for Black educators and their students. By joining us, you become part of a dynamic network of professionals dedicated to elevating the teaching profession and advocating for equity and justice in education.

Why become a member?

Empowerment and Support

As a member, you will gain access to a wealth of resources designed to empower and support you in your professional journey. From professional development opportunities to advocacy training, we provide the tools you need to excel and make a difference.

Professional Development

Enhance your skills and knowledge with our comprehensive professional development training program, SuperTeacher Bootcamp. Participate in workshops, seminars, and conferences that focus on the latest trends in education, DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion), and social justice.

Advocacy and Civic Engagement

Join a community that actively engages in advocacy efforts to promote equitable education policies. Learn how to effectively advocate for yourself, your students, and your community through our specialized training and resources.

Sign up here

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joining the team?

Together we can Elevate and Empower Black Educators